Project management for you

Whether by classical project management or by the use of agile methods like SCRUM, I contribute to the interdisciplinary cooperation as Finance product owner or his/her support.

It is a big mistake to downplay project management by reference to the saying “When I don’t know where to go, I set up a project team”.

On the contrary, the project work in multidisciplinary project teams can be key to their success. Often there is the mistaken assumption that projects should be carried out within specific business units that are often overwhelmed by the complexity of the undertaking. As a result, projects are sometimes terminated because of the lack of resources (time or personnel) or alternatively they deliver unsatisfactory results.

Complexity asks for agile project management

Build on agile methods, my practical experience and professional support on your way to innovative solutions!

Complex tasks in cash and treasury management projects

The complexity of factors to be considered becomes evident with projects to implement cash management or treasury management systems.

Selection of business matters:

  • Numerical data of master and transaction data
  • Concept of banks (multi bank access needed?)
  • Payment methods (national and international), payment rhythm
  • Authorization in accordance with bank authorities (2 factor authentification)
  • Import of bank statements
  • Export of payment transaction data
  • Reporting requirements

Selection of technical matters:

  • System landscape
  • Platform
  • Interfaces to ERP system
  • Channels of data transfer
  • Data formats and interfaces to banks
  • Data security
  • Data storage

Make use of my expert knowledge and more out of your project budget

To implement your requirements, I make use of my professional competencies, communication skills and years of excellent cooperation with IT experts. Thereby you and the project team benefit from my vast practical professional knowledge and pragmatic approach to introduce new technologies for more efficient processes.

My recommendations are based at the one hand on Best Practice as well at the other hand on new trends from the exchange with my professional network.

Build on my project experience for your success. Should you wish, I can support you with single or all project phases:

  • Project decision
  • Project planning
  • Project steering and control
  • Project finalisation with feedback.

Project planning

Good advance planning is half the battle


Project coordination

Supervision of implementation

Please contact me and start with innovative ideas. Email me under or make use of my contact form.