Practical knowledge

How do you find your way through the jungle of technical and financial terms? I help you to orient yourself with the lingo and with give you an understanding of it and finance jargon.

Corona calls for more video identification of users and digital signature

Social Distancing and the associated home office lead to an increased demand for online identification of users and gives a push towards digital signatures. The providers with secure and user-friendly solutions that existed before Corona are now increasingly expanded by FinTechs. As a result, the tedious and time-consuming KYC process, e.g. when opening bank accounts,…

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E-invoices or X-invoices?

Did you know that from the end of November 2020 public authorities in Germany will only accept electronic invoices in a specified format? This puts public institutions ahead of private companies, where invoicing is still very diverse. Here, electronic invoices are mostly PDF documents whose further processing is not guaranteed electronically. Paper invoices will also…

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Optimize your cash flow to secure your liquidity

Ihr Cash Flow, der sich aus den Ein- und Auszahlungen für eine bestimmte Periode ergibt, sollte positiv sein. Ein positiver Cash Flow verbessert Ihre Zahlungsfähigkeit und folglich die Einstufung Ihrer Bonität, Ihr Rating Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit den Wert Ihres Unternehmens. Bei einem negativen Cash Flow wird nicht umsonst von Geldvernichtung gesprochen. Deshalb ist ein Cash Flow…

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Components of a Cash Management System

Modules for the Money Transfer, the electronic statements (Balance Reporting) and for a Planning tool (Treasury) are components of a Cash Management Systems. A number of regulations apply for Cash Management systems like for all financial systems. The framework relates essentially to functionalities of journals and supporting documents, changes made to them and to period…

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The daily transfers of balances and the adjustments of negative balances on bank accounts to and from a main account are called Cash Pooling. Such concentration of liquid funds is not recommended for some currencies to avoid penalty interest. To carry out Cash-Pooling on a group level, you need intercompany contracts about the intercompany interest…

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