Project planning for a future-proof cash management

Do you have a project plan at hand for future-proof cash / treasury management? Is there a need to streamline your financial management processes?

For national Small and Medium-sized companies (SME’s) as well as international companies I offer independent consultancy and backing of your projects to select and implement accounting and treasury solutions as well as to adjust interfaces to ERP systems.

Faster, higher, farther! Who would say no to that?

My primary focus is on daily business in financial management, as any time-gain in individual processes can quickly lead to significant business savings.

Start of your project planning

Following the project decision, I will ask you many questions about your business and technical requirements as weel as your preferred project management method. You identify the responsible collaborators comprising your project. The Project Team puts together your profile of requirements,incl the technicalparameters. Based on capacity considerations, you decide whether to develop your own solution together with your co-workers or whether to go for an “off-the-shelf” solution from an external provider.

Whether following a classical project planning with milestones or so-called sprints, you will be informed on a regular basis on results of the imlementation.

It is entirely your decision.The project planning may begin.

CFO Consult monitoring project status

Cash management projects with high sensitivity

Clients ask more and more for new payment methods. As an organization, therefore, you can profit by offering a range of new payment channels to your clients. Furthermore, you have your income more quickly at your disposal and in some cases even save on fees. As you can see, cash management is closely related to your strategy.

Why not let me analyse your banking concept and electronic payments based on my extensive experience with national and international financial institutions? Then I can provide you with individual recommendations on possible technical solutions. Cash management is at the heart of any organization and needs, therefore, an in-depth project analysis and planning.

CFO Consult

Keep your project objective in line with available resources

The project planning is a process which needs to be continuously monitored and, if needed, adjusted to new or changing conditions.

To avoid delays, we jointly conduct regular “state-of play”-meetings on the project status or sprint reviews.

Should amendments to the projects be needed, we will agree upon the necessary measures and define appropriate adjustments of the time planning and of the human and financial resources etc.

CFO Consult sensitive projects

Impact of the EU Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2)

Closely related to this are communications channels in compliance with the legal framework e.g. the European Payment Service Directive 2. PSD2[1]. Your team can profit from my know-how on SEPA payments and country specific foreign payments (AZV).

[1] EU-Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie EU 2015/2366 – Payment Service Directive 2

Contact me

When you have questions as to how I can support you with project planning, contact me simply via, or by using my contact form.